How To Get Ovarian Cyst Pain Relief
There are some great alternative ovarian cyst relief treatments that may help with your current pain, bleeding, swelling, back, pain, etc. One way to relieve ovarian cyst symptoms is to use homeopathic medicine. Sepia is supposed to help with the treatment of ovarian cysts. It is derived from the ink of the cuttlefish that is toxic. While it can be used for the treatment of a variety of ailments, it is renowned for its ability to help with women’s reproductive health. Depending on the dose, sepia has been known to get rid of ovarian cysts, relieve painful menstruation, and regulate ovulation.
If you’re not into homeopathic medicine, then you can always try a change in diet. In some research, food consumption has to do with the growth of ovarian cysts. Women who eat diets rich in red meat, cheese, and lots of tomatoes are at a higher risk of suffering from ovarian cysts than women who eat a healthier, more balanced diet rich in whole foods. By discontinuing the consumption of red meat and cheeses for a while, ovarian cysts may diminish. Also, including enough folic acid in your diet can prevent ovarian cysts from forming again. Eating a diet too rich in carbohydrates can also contribute to ovarian cyst suffering.
Supplements and herbs are another way to give yourself relief from your ovarian cyst pain. Vitamin E and B are good for preventing ovarian cysts and treating them. Also make sure to include enough essential fatty acids into your diet. Evening primrose, flaxseed oil, and borage have all been used for the treatment of ovarian cysts.
Hot water bottles and warm baths can also alleviate ovarian cyst symptoms. Ibuprofen or aspirin can be taken to fight off the inflammation associated with ovarian cysts. These treatments are most effective for functional cysts. If you do not ovarian cyst relief noticeably with at-home treatments, or you find yourself in constant agony, seeking your doctor’s help and advise is always recommended. This way the can tell if a problem has arisen with your cysts like twisting, or if your current cyst is cancerous.